
Minggu, 30 November 2014


Namai TexkBox dengan kode pada perintah batal
Contoh txtNIK.Value = "" berarti textboxnya txtNIK
Untuk perintah BATAL kode VBAnya 

Private Sub cmdBatal_Click()
txtNIK.Value = ""
cboRST.Value = ""
TxtNOANG.Value = ""
TxtTGA.Value = ""
txtNM.Value = ""
txtTMP.Value = ""
txtTGL.Value = ""
txtJR.Value = ""
txtKC.Value = ""
TxtANG.Value = ""
TxtJAM.Value = ""
cboBANK.Value = ""
txtNOBANK.Value = ""
TxtBAYARDI.Value = ""
txtKJ.Value = ""
txtTGLP.Value = ""
TxtPINJ.Value = ""
optLAMA.Value = ""
optBARU.Value = ""
optDINAS.Value = ""
optPENSIUNAN.Value = ""
optUMUM.Value = ""
optATM.Value = ""
TxtKE.Value = ""
txtHP.Value = ""
Cbobayar.Value = ""
TxtGaji.Value = ""
JMGAJI.Value = ""
End Sub

Untuk perintah ANGGOTA BARU
Private Sub cmdInput_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Filter As String, Title As String, FileX As String
Dim CellTujuan As Long
If txtNIK.Value = "" Then
    MsgBox "NOMOR masih kosong", vbOKOnly
    Exit Sub

ElseIf txtNM.Value = "" Then
    MsgBox "NAMA masih kosong", vbOKOnly
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
End If

With Worksheets("DATA")
CellTujuan = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "D"). _
End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1).Row
'--- data input
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 1).Value = CellTujuan
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 2).Value = (cboRST.Value + TxtNOANG.Value)
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 3).Value = txtNIK.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 4).Value = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 5).Value = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 6).Value = TxtTGA.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 7).Value = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 8).Value = txtTMP.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 9).Value = txtTGL.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 10).Value = txtJR.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 11).Value = txtKC.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 12).Value = TxtANG.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 13).Value = TxtJAM.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 14).Value = cboBANK.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 15).Value = txtNOBANK.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 16).Value = TxtBAYARDI.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 17).Value = txtKJ.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 18).Value = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 19).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 20).Value = "LAMA"
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 20).Value = "BARU"
End If
If optDINAS = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 21).Value = "DINAS"
ElseIf optPENSIUNAN = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 21).Value = "PENSIUNAN"
ElseIf optUMUM = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 21).Value = "UMUM"
ElseIf optATM = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 21).Value = "ATM"
End If
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 22).Value = TxtKE.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 23).Value = txtHP.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 24).Value = Cbobayar.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 25).Value = TxtGaji.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 26).Value = "=DATEDIF(RC[-17],NOW(),""y"")&"" ""&""Tahun"""
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 27).Value = JMGAJI.Value
End With

With Worksheets("BLANGKO")
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 1) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 2) = txtTMP.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 3) = TxtTGA.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 4) = txtKJ.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 5) = txtJR.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 6) = txtKC.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 7) = TxtPINJ.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 8) = "=TERBILANG(RC[-1])"
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 9) = cboBANK.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 10) = txtNOBANK.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 11) = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 12) = TxtANG.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 13) = TxtJAM.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 14) = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 15) = (TxtPINJ.Value / 12)
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 16) = "=TERBILANG(RC[-1])"
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 17) = "=RC[-3]+30"
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 18) = TxtNOANG.Value
End With

With Worksheets("BERKAS")
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(3, 11) = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(11, 11) = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(7, 2) = TxtPINJ.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(10, 5) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(11, 3) = txtJR.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(12, 3) = txtKC.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(13, 5) = TxtANG.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(14, 5) = TxtJAM.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(15, 5) = (cboBANK.Value + txtNOBANK.Value)
End With

With Worksheets("KARTU")
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(2, 3) = TxtPINJ.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(3, 1) = "=TERBILANG(R[-1]C[2])"
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(7, 5) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(8, 5) = txtTMP.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(8, 6) = txtTGL.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(8, 7) = "=DATEDIF(RC[-1],NOW(),""y"")&"" ""&""Tahun"""
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(9, 5) = txtJR.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(10, 5) = txtKC.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(12, 5) = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(7, 10) = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(9, 10) = TxtBAYARDI.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(10, 10) = Cbobayar.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(12, 10) = TxtANG.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(13, 9) = TxtJAM.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(13, 7) = txtNOBANK.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(16, 2) = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(16, 8) = TxtPINJ.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(11, 6) = txtKJ.Value
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
NamaFile = (cboRST.Value + TxtNOANG.Value + " " + txtNM.Value)
FileX = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Photo\" & NamaFile & ".jpg"
Worksheets("KARTU").Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(FileX)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With

With Worksheets("BALEK KARTU")
Worksheets("BALEK KARTU").Cells(9, 3) = JMGAJI.Value
Worksheets("BALEK KARTU").Cells(10, 2) = "=terbilang(R[-1]C[1])"
Worksheets("BALEK KARTU").Cells(18, 2) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("BALEK KARTU").Cells(19, 3) = txtTGLP.Value
End With

With Worksheets("KWITANSI")
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(2, 5) = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(23, 5) = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(2, 6) = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(23, 6) = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(12, 10) = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(35, 10) = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(18, 14) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(18, 14) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(6, 8) = "=TERBILANG(R[12]C[-3])"
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(27, 8) = "=TERBILANG(R[12]C[-3])"
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(18, 5) = TxtPINJ.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(39, 5) = TxtPINJ.Value
End With

Select Case cboRST.Value
With Worksheets("ANGGREK")
CellTujuan = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "D"). _
End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1).Row
'--- data input
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 1).Value = CellTujuan - 1
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 2).Value = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 3).Value = (Day(txtTGLP.Value))
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 4).Value = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 5).Value = txtNM.Value
If optDINAS = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 6).Value = 1
ElseIf optPENSIUNAN = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 7).Value = 1
ElseIf optUMUM = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 8).Value = 1
ElseIf optATM = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 8).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 10).Value = 1
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 11).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 12).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 13).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
End If
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 14).Value = (TxtPINJ.Value * 3 / 100)
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 15).Value = "=IF(RC[-4]=1,5000,"""")"
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 16).Value = "=SUM(RC[-4]:RC[-3])-SUM(RC[-2]:RC[-1])"
End With

Case "MAWAR"
With Worksheets("MAWAR")
CellTujuan = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "D"). _
End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1).Row
'--- data input
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 1).Value = CellTujuan - 1
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 2).Value = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 3).Value = (Day(txtTGLP.Value))
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 4).Value = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 5).Value = txtNM.Value
If optDINAS = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 6).Value = 1
ElseIf optPENSIUNAN = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 7).Value = 1
ElseIf optUMUM = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 8).Value = 1
ElseIf optATM = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 8).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 10).Value = 1
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 11).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 12).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 13).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
End If
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 14).Value = (TxtPINJ.Value * 3 / 100)
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 15).Value = "=IF(RC[-4]=1,5000,"""")"
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 16).Value = "=SUM(RC[-4]:RC[-3])-SUM(RC[-2]:RC[-1])"
End With

Case ("TERATAI")
With Worksheets("TERATAI")
CellTujuan = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "D"). _
End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1).Row
'--- data input
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 1).Value = CellTujuan - 1
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 2).Value = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 3).Value = (Day(txtTGLP.Value))
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 4).Value = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 5).Value = txtNM.Value
If optDINAS = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 6).Value = 1
ElseIf optPENSIUNAN = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 7).Value = 1
ElseIf optUMUM = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 8).Value = 1
ElseIf optATM = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 8).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 10).Value = 1
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 11).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 12).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 13).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
End If
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 14).Value = (TxtPINJ.Value * 3 / 100)
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 15).Value = "=IF(RC[-4]=1,5000,"""")"
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTujuan + 1, 16).Value = "=SUM(RC[-4]:RC[-3])-SUM(RC[-2]:RC[-1])"
End With
End Select

txtNIK.Value = ""
cboRST.Value = ""
TxtNOANG.Value = ""
TxtTGA.Value = ""
txtNM.Value = ""
txtTMP.Value = ""
txtTGL.Value = ""
txtJR.Value = ""
txtKC.Value = ""
TxtANG.Value = ""
TxtJAM.Value = ""
cboBANK.Value = ""
txtNOBANK.Value = ""
TxtBAYARDI.Value = ""
txtKJ.Value = ""
txtTGLP.Value = ""
TxtPINJ.Value = ""
optLAMA.Value = ""
optBARU.Value = ""
optDINAS.Value = ""
optPENSIUNAN.Value = ""
optUMUM.Value = ""
optATM.Value = ""
TxtKE.Value = ""
txtHP.Value = ""
Cbobayar.Value = ""
TxtGaji.Value = ""
JMGAJI.Value = ""
MsgBox "Data sudah disimpan", vbOKOnly
End Sub

 Private Sub CMDCARI_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Filter As String, Title As String, FileX As String
Dim Kode
Dim CellTujuan As Range
Kode = (cboRST.Value + TxtNOANG.Value)
Set CellTujuan = Worksheets("DATA").Range("B:B").Find(What:=Kode, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not CellTujuan Is Nothing Then
txtNIK.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 3)
cboRST.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 4)
TxtNOANG.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 5)
TxtTGA.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 6)
txtNM.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 7)
txtTMP.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 8)
txtTGL.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 9)
txtJR.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 10)
txtKC.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 11)
TxtANG.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 12)
TxtJAM.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 13)
cboBANK.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 14)
txtNOBANK.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 15)
TxtBAYARDI.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 16)
txtKJ.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 17)
txtTGLP.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 18)
TxtPINJ.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 19)
If Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 20) = "LAMA" Then
optLAMA.Value = True
ElseIf Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 20) = "BARU" Then
optBARU.Value = True
End If
If Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 21) = "DINAS" Then
optDINAS.Value = True
ElseIf Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 21) = "PENSIUNAN" Then
optPENSIUNAN.Value = True
ElseIf Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 21) = "UMUM" Then
optUMUM.Value = True
ElseIf Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 21) = "ATM" Then
optATM.Value = True
End If
TxtKE.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 22)
txtHP.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 23)
Cbobayar.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 24)
TxtGaji.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 25)
JMGAJI.Value = Worksheets("DATA").Cells(CellTujuan.Row, 27)
Else: MsgBox "Tidak Ada Hasil !"
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
NamaFile = (cboRST.Value + TxtNOANG.Value + " " + txtNM.Value)
FileX = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Photo\" & NamaFile & ".jpg"
FOTO.Picture = LoadPicture(FileX)
   FOTO.Height = TRANSAKSI.Height - 405 '+ Image1.Height
  FOTO.Width = TRANSAKSI.Width - 655 '+ Image1.Height
   FOTO.Top = 36
   FOTO.Left = 606
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub ANGGOTALAMA_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Filter As String, Title As String, FileX As String
Dim Kode
Dim TujuanData As Range
Kode = (cboRST.Text + TxtNOANG.Text)
Set TujuanData = Sheets("DATA").Range("B:B").Find(What:=Kode, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not TujuanData Is Nothing Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 3).Value = txtNIK.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 4).Value = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 5).Value = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 6).Value = TxtTGA.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 7).Value = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 8).Value = txtTMP.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 9).Value = txtTGL.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 10).Value = txtJR.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 11).Value = txtKC.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 12).Value = TxtANG.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 13).Value = TxtJAM.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 14).Value = cboBANK.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 15).Value = txtNOBANK.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 16).Value = TxtBAYARDI.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 17).Value = txtKJ.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 18).Value = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 19).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 20).Value = "LAMA"
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 20).Value = "BARU"
End If
If optDINAS = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 21).Value = "DINAS"
ElseIf optPENSIUNAN = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 21).Value = "PENSIUNAN"
ElseIf optUMUM = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 21).Value = "UMUM"
ElseIf optATM = True Then
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 21).Value = "ATM"
End If
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 22).Value = TxtKE.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 23).Value = txtHP.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 24).Value = Cbobayar.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 25).Value = TxtGaji.Value
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 26).Value = "=DATEDIF(RC[-17],NOW(),""y"")&"" ""&""Tahun"""
Worksheets("DATA").Cells(TujuanData.Row, 27).Value = JMGAJI.Value
End If

With Worksheets("BLANGKO")
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 1) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 2) = txtTMP.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 3) = TxtTGA.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 4) = txtKJ.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 5) = txtJR.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 6) = txtKC.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 7) = TxtPINJ.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 8) = "=TERBILANG(RC[-1])"
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 9) = cboBANK.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 10) = txtNOBANK.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 11) = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 12) = TxtANG.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 13) = TxtJAM.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 14) = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 15) = (TxtPINJ.Value / 12)
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 16) = "=TERBILANG(RC[-1])"
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 17) = "=RC[-3]+30"
Worksheets("BLANGKO").Cells(2, 18) = TxtNOANG.Value
End With

With Worksheets("BERKAS")
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(3, 11) = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(11, 11) = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(7, 2) = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(10, 5) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(11, 3) = txtJR.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(12, 3) = txtKC.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(13, 5) = TxtANG.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(14, 5) = TxtJAM.Value
Worksheets("BERKAS").Cells(15, 5) = (cboBANK.Value + txtNOBANK.Value)
End With

With Worksheets("KARTU")
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(2, 3) = TxtPINJ.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(3, 1) = "=TERBILANG(R[-1]C[2])"
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(7, 5) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(8, 5) = txtTMP.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(8, 6) = txtTGL.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(8, 7) = "=DATEDIF(RC[-1],NOW(),""y"")&"" ""&""Tahun"""
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(9, 5) = txtJR.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(10, 5) = txtKC.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(12, 5) = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(7, 10) = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(9, 10) = TxtBAYARDI.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(10, 10) = Cbobayar.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(12, 10) = TxtANG.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(13, 9) = TxtJAM.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(13, 7) = txtNOBANK.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(16, 2) = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(16, 8) = TxtPINJ.Value
Worksheets("KARTU").Cells(11, 6) = txtKJ.Value
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
NamaFile = (cboRST.Value + TxtNOANG.Value + " " + txtNM.Value)
FileX = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Photo\" & NamaFile & ".jpg"
Worksheets("KARTU").Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(FileX)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With

With Worksheets("BALEK KARTU")
Worksheets("BALEK KARTU").Cells(9, 3) = JMGAJI.Value
Worksheets("BALEK KARTU").Cells(10, 2) = "=terbilang(R[-1]C[1])"
Worksheets("BALEK KARTU").Cells(18, 2) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("BALEK KARTU").Cells(19, 3) = txtTGLP.Value
End With

With Worksheets("KWITANSI")
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(2, 5) = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(23, 5) = cboRST.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(2, 6) = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(23, 6) = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(12, 10) = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(35, 10) = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(18, 14) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(18, 14) = txtNM.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(6, 8) = "=TERBILANG(R[12]C[-3])"
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(27, 8) = "=TERBILANG(R[12]C[-3])"
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(18, 5) = TxtPINJ.Value
Worksheets("KWITANSI").Cells(39, 5) = TxtPINJ.Value
End With

Select Case cboRST.Value
Dim CellANGGREK As Long
With Worksheets("ANGGREK")
CellANGGREK = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
'--- data input
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 1).Value = CellANGGREK - 1
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 2).Value = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 3).Value = (Day(txtTGLP.Value))
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 4).Value = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 5).Value = txtNM.Value
If optDINAS = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 6).Value = 1
ElseIf optPENSIUNAN = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 7).Value = 1
ElseIf optUMUM = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 8).Value = 1
ElseIf optATM = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 8).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 10).Value = 1
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 11).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 12).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 13).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
End If
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 14).Value = (TxtPINJ.Value * 3 / 100)
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 15).Value = "=IF(RC[-4]=1,5000,"""")"
Worksheets("ANGGREK").Cells(CellANGGREK + 1, 16).Value = "=SUM(RC[-4]:RC[-3])-SUM(RC[-2]:RC[-1])"
End With

Case "MAWAR"
Dim CellMAWAR As Long
With Worksheets("MAWAR")
CellMAWAR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
'--- data input
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 1).Value = CellMAWAR - 1
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 2).Value = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 3).Value = (Day(txtTGLP.Value))
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 4).Value = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 5).Value = txtNM.Value
If optDINAS = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 6).Value = 1
ElseIf optPENSIUNAN = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 7).Value = 1
ElseIf optUMUM = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 8).Value = 1
ElseIf optATM = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 8).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 10).Value = 1
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 11).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 12).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 13).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
End If
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 14).Value = (TxtPINJ.Value * 3 / 100)
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 15).Value = "=IF(RC[-4]=1,5000,"""")"
Worksheets("MAWAR").Cells(CellMAWAR + 1, 16).Value = "=SUM(RC[-4]:RC[-3])-SUM(RC[-2]:RC[-1])"
End With

Case ("TERATAI")
Dim CellTERATAI As Long
With Worksheets("TERATAI")
CellTERATAI = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
'--- data input
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 1).Value = CellTERATAI - 1
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 2).Value = txtTGLP.Value
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 3).Value = (Day(txtTGLP.Value))
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 4).Value = TxtNOANG.Value
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 5).Value = txtNM.Value
If optDINAS = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 6).Value = 1
ElseIf optPENSIUNAN = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 7).Value = 1
ElseIf optUMUM = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 8).Value = 1
ElseIf optATM = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 8).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 10).Value = 1
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 11).Value = 1
End If
If optLAMA = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 12).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
ElseIf optBARU = True Then
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 13).Value = TxtPINJ.Value
End If
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 14).Value = (TxtPINJ.Value * 3 / 100)
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 15).Value = "=IF(RC[-4]=1,5000,"""")"
Worksheets("TERATAI").Cells(CellTERATAI + 1, 16).Value = "=SUM(RC[-4]:RC[-3])-SUM(RC[-2]:RC[-1])"
End With
End Select

txtNIK.Value = ""
cboRST.Value = ""
TxtNOANG.Value = ""
TxtTGA.Value = ""
txtNM.Value = ""
txtTMP.Value = ""
txtTGL.Value = ""
txtJR.Value = ""
txtKC.Value = ""
TxtANG.Value = ""
TxtJAM.Value = ""
cboBANK.Value = ""
txtNOBANK.Value = ""
TxtBAYARDI.Value = ""
txtKJ.Value = ""
txtTGLP.Value = ""
TxtPINJ.Value = ""
optLAMA.Value = ""
optBARU.Value = ""
optDINAS.Value = ""
optPENSIUNAN.Value = ""
optUMUM.Value = ""
optATM.Value = ""
TxtKE.Value = ""
txtHP.Value = ""
Cbobayar.Value = ""
TxtGaji.Value = ""
JMGAJI.Value = ""
MsgBox "Data sudah disimpan", vbOKOnly
End Sub
Private Sub cmdnamafoto_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Filter As String, Title As String, FileX As String
Dim SourceFile, DestinationFile

Filter = "JPG Image Files Only(*.jpg),*.jpg,"
Title = "Silahkan Pilih Logo"
FileX = Application.GetOpenFilename(Filter, , Title)
NamaFile = (cboRST.Value + TxtNOANG.Value + " " + txtNM.Value)
FOTO.Picture = LoadPicture(FileX)
   FOTO.Height = TRANSAKSI.Height - 405 '+ Image1.Height
  FOTO.Width = TRANSAKSI.Width - 655 '+ Image1.Height
   FOTO.Top = 36
   FOTO.Left = 606
DestinationFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Photo\" & NamaFile & ".jpg"
FileCopy FileX, DestinationFile
End Sub

3 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum...
    Keren...Izin download Mas....?


  3. menu downloadnya udah gak bisa, boleh di perbarui
